sometimes life makes you fight for it

Life is short.  We are here but for a moment, and we have very few opportunities to make our time memorable.  And I don’t mean to say that any of us needs to strive for fame, or notoriety.  But to have an opportunity to touch the people who cross our paths, even for a moment, is a great gift.

I don’t know how long I will be on this earth.  Life is full of mysteries, and I hope that mine is long and full, and that I have many chances to make a difference in the lives of those around me.  I am a writer, so my gift to the world comes in the form of words.  I write for the people, be it one, one thousand, or one million, and if even one of my blog entries has touched someone’s life…made them think…made them laugh…or maybe even made them cry…then I have done what I set out to do over two years ago. 

Of course, I discovered somewhere in the middle that writing a blog about myself and my life is a little like doing a reality TV show in print.  It took my husband a very long time to make peace with my public personna, in fact, he often steers far clear of the blog for fear of what he might read about himself. My children read occasionally, mostly on the days they find themselves featured as starring characters.  And the rest of my family checks in on a fairly regular basis to see what I might be up to next.  I am very lucky to have a wide range of readers who come back day after day (even on days when I didn’t have much to say), hopeful that I will come up with something funny to bring joy to their day. 

Thank you for sticking with me even on those days when the funny is overcome by the drudgery of daily life, and sad news, weighing heavily on my shoulders. We can never let ourselves forget that life will often make you fight for it.

I would like to ask that everyone who reads the blog today please keep my Aunt Joanie in their thoughts and prayers. She needs all the positive energy we can possible send her way.

Until the next time…I’ll be here, enjoying my moment, for as long as they let me!

Copyright © 2000-2025, Erica Lucke Dean. All rights reserved. Any retranscription or reproduction is prohibited and illegal.