would you like some whine with your cheese?

I’m tired of unpacking boxes. Oh, sure. I’d be done if I just kept going until the last box was empty, but the problem doesn’t really lie with the unpacking as much as the putting away. Unpacking is easy. You open a box, tip it over, and out everything comes. The hard part is finding someplace to put it.

I have three boxes of china. And before you say anything…I need three boxes of china. I do. No, really. Say it with me…I need them. I just don’t know where to put them yet. But I’ll figure it out. I will. Just not today.

Today, I unpacked more kitchen gadgets, and discovered where all my storage bowls had gone. I can now put leftovers away properly. I also found the spices and baking stuff so I can finally make the biscuits for strawberry shortcake. Well, as soon as we replace the berries we ate when I couldn’t find the stuff to make the biscuits.

It’s amazing what you find when unpacking boxes. It reminds me of what I found last time I moved. Well…it wasn’t exactly a good discovery, but it was a learning experience nonetheless.

Have you ever thrown caution to the wind and taken a crazy chance? Ever done something incredibly dangerous and foolish?

Yeah, me neither. But once upon a time, I came close.

I was unpacking boxes (because no matter when I move, it seems to take me forever to do this) and discovered a bottle of port wine. There was enough wine left in the bottle for half of one glass. I love port, what girl doesn’t? Port is sweet, and warm, and mellow…all the way down. Like a super special dessert! Especially with a nice piece of dark chocolate, which I just happened to have on hand. So, I uncorked the bottle, and took a whiff.

The bouquet was lovely, exactly as I expected, and I was delighted. I put the bottle to my lips and took a swig.

I knew instantly that I shouldn’t swallow. The wine was gritty, and sour on my tongue. I should have known better…I couldn’t even remember when we bought it. Who knows how long since it had turned. How long had it been in the cupboard before I packed it away?

I quickly spat into the sink and scrambled to rinse my mouth. It was hours before I was convinced I hadn’t been poisoned.

I won’t do that again.

But I wouldn’t mind a fresh bottle…or rather, a perfectly aged but not spoiled bottle. With the dark chocolate, of course. I might just have to go get one tomorrow. It will be my little secret.

You won’t tell will you?

Maybe I’ll just finish unpacking boxes first. It can be my reward. I love prizes.

Until the next time…I’ll looking for more buried treasure in my moving boxes!


Copyright © 2000-2025, Erica Lucke Dean. All rights reserved. Any retranscription or reproduction is prohibited and illegal.